Woman running with headphones in her ears

Is nicotine gum addictive?

​While nicotine is extremely addictive, nicotine gum is far less addictive than cigarettes, not to mention safer...

Man’s fist smashing a cigarette

Types of NRT Medication

There are a few different types of NRT products to help you quit smoking. They work in different ways and are very effective when used properly.

Person pouring chewing gum into open hand

What is an Oral Fixation?

The concept of oral fixation can be directly tied to cigarette smoking. See what defines an oral fixation and how it can get in the way of your quit smoking journey.

What’s Your Why

We all have our reasons — maybe it’s your health, family or even finances. Whatever your “Why,” discover all the things waiting for you when cigarettes are out of the picture.

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