Using Nicorette®

Nicorette contains a low dose of nicotine released as you chew the gum or as the lozenge dissolves. The level of nicotine uptake is lower than that of cigarettes and the program is designed to let your body gradually adjust to having less nicotine.
You can start immediately. Choose a start date for your quit and begin to use Nicorette that day.
No, Nicorette products do not contain any of these.
Quitting smoking may be one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but the benefits of quitting are worth it. Cigarette smoke delivers nicotine very quickly into the body along with over 7,000 chemicals, 69 of which are known carcinogens. The active ingredient in Nicorette is a low dose of therapeutic nicotine that's gradually absorbed by your body to help reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms, such as a cigarette cravings, difficulty concentrating, irritability, frustration, anxiety and restlessness. The goal of using Nicorette is to slowly reduce your dependence on nicotine by following a schedule where you use less and less over the course of a 12-week program. NRT, along with behavioral support, can double your chances of success.
No, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of Nicorette only as a stop-smoking aid for cigarette smoking.
Eating or drinking even mildly acidic foods and beverages directly before using or while using Nicorette inhibits nicotine absorption into your bloodstream. A basic alkaline pH is required for the nicotine in Nicorette to be properly released from the gum and absorbed through the lining of your mouth. We recommend waiting 15 minutes after eating or drinking before or while using Nicorette.
  • Chew 1 piece of gum every 1-2 hours for the first 6 weeks of your quit.
  • Be sure to use at least 9 pieces of Nicorette a day for the first 6 weeks of your quit.
  • If you experience strong or frequent cravings, you may use a second piece within the hour. However, do not continuously use one piece after another
  • Do not use more than 24 pieces a day.
While Nicorette Gum can help keep your mouth busy chewing, providing an oral fixation, Nicotine Lozenges are ideal for people who don’t like to or cannot chew gum. A Mini Lozenge will dissolve in your mouth more quickly due to its smaller size – at 3 minutes dissolve time for each 4 mg Lozenge.
The active ingredient in Nicorette products is a low, therapeutic dose of nicotine. This could cause problems among people with certain health conditions. Carefully read the user guide inside your package for a complete list of possible side effects.
No, Nicorette products do not contain any of these.
You should use Nicorette for the full 12 weeks to improve your chances of success. However, if you find that you need to use Nicorette longer than 12 weeks, consult your doctor or healthcare provider.
Using Nicorette Lozenge allows users to gradually reduce their nicotine dependence over time. Do not use more than five lozenges in six hours or more than 20 lozenges per day.
Quitting smoking isn’t easy. But you’ll feel a lot better than you would if you quit cold turkey. That's because Nicorette helps reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms, which can include things like depressed mood, insomnia, irritability, frustration, anxiety, and restlessness. And since the benefit of quitting smoking is such a positive thing for your body and mind, you should start to feel better, both physically and emotionally, because of the decision you’ve made.
Unlike Nicorette Lozenge, Nicorette Coated Lozenge has an outer coating that gives it great taste with a smooth texture. While Nicorette mini provides fast craving relief, Nicorette Coated Lozenge provides long-lasting craving relief to help you stick with your quit.
You can use your HSA and FSA tax-preferred savings account to purchase certain OTC products including Nicorette. The passage of the CARES Act by Congress includes provisions to restore OTC eligibility under tax- preferred HSA and FSA accounts. Your plan details may vary, so save your receipt and check with your benefits or health provider for eligibility.
Nicorette contains a low dose of nicotine that is released as you chew the gum or as the lozenge dissolves. The level of nicotine uptake is lower than that of cigarettes, and the program is designed to allow your body to gradually adjust to having less nicotine until you don’t need any.
First, place the lozenge in your mouth, occasionally moving it from side to side. Then allow it to slowly dissolve (about 20–30 minutes) and try to minimize swallowing. Do not chew or swallow the lozenge. Do not use more than 1 lozenge at a time or continuously use 1 after another. Never use more than 5 lozenges in 6 hours or more than 20 lozenges per day.

Using NicoDerm CQ

You should use NicoDerm CQ for the full 8 or 10 weeks, depending on which step you start with. It is important to complete treatment. However, if you find that you need to use NicoDerm CQ longer than 8 ̶ 10 weeks, the FDA has determined that is acceptable to do so in most cases. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if you feel the need to use NicoDerm CQ for longer than 8 ̶ 10 weeks.
Quitting smoking isn’t easy. But you’ll feel a lot better than you would if you quit cold turkey. That's because the NicoDerm CQ patch helps reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms, which can include things like depressed mood, insomnia, irritability, frustration, anxiety, and restlessness. And since the benefit of quitting smoking is such a positive thing for your body and mind, you should start to feel better, both physically and emotionally, because of the decision you’ve made.
Because the active ingredient in NicoDerm CQ is a low, therapeutic dose of nicotine, side effects can include vivid dreams. Some users may experience skin irritation with use of the NicoDerm CQ patch. Carefully read the user guide inside your package for a complete list of possible side effects.
Step 1: Do not remove the NicoDerm CQ patch from its sealed protective pouch until you are ready to use it. NicoDerm CQ patches will lose nicotine to the air if you store them out of the pouch.
Step 2: Choose a non-hairy, clean, dry area of skin. Do not put a NicoDerm CQ patch on skin that is burned, broken out, cut or irritated in any way. Make sure your skin is free of lotion or soap.
Step 3: Take the patch out of the pouch. Save the pouch for use at time of disposal. A clear, protective liner covers the sticky side of the NicoDerm CQ patch – the side that will be put on the skin. The liner has a slit down the middle to help you remove it from the patch. With the sticky side facing you, pull half the liner away from the NicoDerm CQ patch starting at the middle slit. Hold the NicoDerm CQ patch at one of the outside edges (touch the sticky side as little as possible), and pull off the other half of the protective liner. Place liner back in the pouch. Save pouch for disposing of the patch after use.
Step 4: Immediately apply the sticky side of the NicoDerm CQ patch to your skin. Press the patch firmly on your skin with the heel of your hand for at least 10 seconds. Make sure it sticks well to your skin, especially around the edges.
Step 5: Wash your hands when you have finished applying the NicoDerm CQ patch. Nicotine on your hands could get into your eyes and nose, and cause stinging, redness or more serious problems.
Step 6: After 16 or 24 hours, remove the patch you have been wearing. Fold the sticky ends of the used NicoDerm CQ patch together. Place in its pouch and discard where it will be out of reach of children and pets. Even used patches have enough nicotine to poison children and pets. Wash your hands.
Step 7: Choose a different place on your skin to apply the next NicoDerm CQ patch and repeat Steps 1 to 6. Do not apply a new patch to a previously used skin site for at least one week.
Choose a start date for your quit and begin to use NicoDerm CQ that day. Upon reviewing the published literature data on the use of NRT products like NicoDerm CQ, the FDA has determined that the use of NRT products with cigarettes does not raise significant concerns. Consult the user’s guide for complete directions and other important information.
NicoDerm CQ keeps a steady flow of nicotine for 16 or 24 hours.
No, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of NicoDerm CQ only as a stop-smoking aid for cigarette smoking.
If you smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day, follow the 10 - week plan. Use NicoDerm CQ Step 1 (21 mg) for 6 weeks, NicoDerm CQ Step 2 (14 mg) for 2 weeks and NicoDerm CQ Step 3 (7 mg) for 2 weeks. If you smoke 10 or fewer cigarettes a day, follow the 8-week plan. Use Step 2 (14 mg) for 6 weeks and Step 3 (7 mg) for 2 weeks.
No, NicoDerm CQ can be placed anywhere on the body that is clean and dry at the time of application. Each day apply a new patch to a different place on your skin that is dry, clean and hairless.
NicoDerm CQ doesn’t contain any of the carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) that are found in cigarettes. The NicoDerm CQ program is designed to help you stop smoking. It helps you gradually wean off nicotine over time until you do not need it anymore.
Yes, when you gradually lower nicotine levels, your body adjusts. And following NicoDerm CQ’s 10- or 8-week program really does help improve your chances of quitting successfully.
The standard NicoDerm CQ program lasts 8 or 10 weeks. If you think you need more than the 8 or 10 weeks, consult with your healthcare provider.
Water will not harm the NicoDerm CQ patch if applied properly. You can bathe, swim, or shower for short periods of time while wearing the NicoDerm CQ patch. If you’re concerned that it could loosen on your skin, you can secure it with two pieces of medical or sports tape, placed in an “X” over the patch.
As you progress along your quit journey, your urge to smoke will decrease. Using NicoDerm CQ, you’ll get a leg up right out of the gate.
We suggest wearing the patch on a part of your body that is not tattooed. It is unknown whether the tattoo would affect how the patch would work, or if the tattoo coloring would change.
The Original and Clear NicoDerm CQ patches can be worn while in the sun or tanning bed. However, the patches have not been demonstrated to be effective protection against sun exposure. Use of sunscreens with the patch is not recommended because it may affect the adhesion. Therefore, if you are planning on using the patch while tanning, you may want to place it in an area that will not be exposed.
Ask a doctor before use if you have an allergy to ad tape or have skin problems because you are more lik get rashes. Stop use and ask a doctor if skin r caused by the patch does not go away after four da if your skin swells, or you get a rash.
Choose a non-hairy, clean, dry area of skin.
We understand how frustrating it is when your patch does not stick. Lack of adhesion may be attributed to hot weather, patient skin type, or activity. Please be sure you have applied the patch properly: Choose a non-hairy, clean, dry area of skin. Press the patch firmly on your skin with the heel of your hand for at least 10 seconds. Make sure it sticks well to your skin, especially around the edges. Do not use moisturizing soap or lotion prior to applying the patch. If you are using a moisturizing soap, try changing soaps or apply medical adhesive tape over the patch to help keep it in place.
NicoDerm CQ is a unique patch with Extended Release SmartControl® Technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. NicoDerm CQ supports you through your day by delivering therapeutic nicotine via the patch’s specially designed layers. This technology ensures that the nicotine in the patch will not be delivered all at once, or run out too soon. NicoDerm CQ helps reduce the withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking.
Each NicoDerm CQ patch contains a special nicotine rate-controlling membrane that controls the release of nicotine into your bloodstream through your skin. The level of nicotine uptake is lower than that of cigarettes, and the program is designed to allow your body to gradually adjust to having less nicotine until you don’t need any.
The adhesive, the nicotine amounts, and the way you use the products are exactly the same. However, for the opaque patch only, to avoid possible burns, remove the patch before undergoing any MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) procedures.
No, neither patch contains any latex material.

Quitting 101

Nicotine delivered by cigarettes is so addictive that people often underestimate how difficult it is to resist cravings using willpower alone. Nicotine replacement therapy delivers a controlled amount of nicotine to your system to help soothe your physical cravings and allows you to focus on the mental aspects of your quit. Using nicotine replacement therapy as directed doubles your chances of quitting.*
*Doubles your chances of quitting vs placebo. Use as directed. Behavioral support program increases chances of success. Many people require several quit attempts to stop smoking. Products are part of an 8–12 week program.
Every quit smoking journey is different but there are some simple ways to find your motivation.
When it comes to quitting smoking, weight gain is a common concern. Even if you do gain a bit, it’s nothing compared to all the good things you’re doing for yourself. If you continue to gain weight after a few months, try to analyze what you’re doing differently. Reduce your fat intake, choose healthy snacks, and increase your physical activity to help burn off extra calories.
Don’t be discouraged by slip-ups. Learn from them. Use a slip-up to find your smoking triggers and then avoid the situations that cause them.
You can. You just haven’t succeeded yet. Try to learn from your slip-ups. Figure out why you fell off the wagon so you can avoid putting yourself in similar situations in the future, choose a new quit date, and then try again. This time, you may be able to quit for good!
The whole reason to use Nicorette is to quit smoking. Once you’ve made the decision to quit, you should choose a date to stop smoking and start using Nicorette that day. It is okay if you slip up and have a cigarette. You can still continue your quit attempt and keep using Nicorette as directed. Just throw away your cigarettes and get back to your quit plan. The FDA has determined that there are no significant concerns with using NRT products like Nicorette at the same time as another nicotine-containing product like a cigarette.
Right after quitting, you should try to avoid alcohol, coffee, and other beverages you associate with smoking.
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, only use this medicine on the advice of your healthcare provider. Smoking can seriously harm your child. Try to stop smoking without using any nicotine replacement medicine. This medicine is believed to be safer than smoking. However, the risks to your child from this medicine are not fully known.
If you are concerned, your doctor or pharmacist is the best person to advise you based on your medical history and present state of health. We specifically recommend you ask a doctor before use if you have:
  • Heart disease, recent heart attack, or irregular heartbeat. Nicotine can increase your heart rate.
  • High blood pressure not controlled with medication. Nicotine can increase your blood pressure.
Also, ask a doctor or pharmacist before using if you are:
  • Using a non-nicotine stop-smoking drug.
  • Using prescription medicine for depression or asthma. Your prescription dose may need to be adjusted.
Any questions about drug interactions between medications should be answered by your physician or other healthcare professional. Talk to your doctor if you take other medications. The active ingredient in Nicorette is nicotine, which is already in your system if you are a smoker. Talk to your doctor about this, especially if you use a non-nicotine stop-smoking drug or take prescription drugs for asthma or depression.
Nicorette Gum is sugar free. However, it may stick to dentures, dental caps, or partial bridges. Consult your dentist or consider using Nicorette Lozenges or mini Lozenges instead.
Make every effort to keep Nicorette out of reach of children and pets. In case of accidental ingestion, get professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately.
The whole reason to use NicoDerm CQ is to quit smoking. Once you’ve made the decision to quit, you should choose a date to stop smoking and start using NicoDerm CQ that day. It is okay if you slip-up and have a cigarette. You can still continue your quit attempt and keep using NicoDerm CQ as directed. Just throw away your cigarettes and get back to your quit plan. The FDA has determined that there are no significant concerns with using NRT products like NicoDerm CQ at the same time as another nicotine-containing product like a cigarette.
Right after quitting, you should try to avoid alcohol, coffee, and other beverages you associate with smoking.
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, only use this medicine on the advice of your healthcare provider. Smoking can seriously harm your child. Try to stop smoking without using any nicotine replacement medicine. This medicine is believed to be safer than smoking. However, the risks to your child from this medicine are not fully known.
If you are concerned, your doctor or pharmacist is the best person to advise you based on your medical history and present state of health. We specifically recommend you ask a doctor before use if you have:
  • Heart disease, recent heart attack, or irregular heartbeat. Nicotine can increase your heart rate.
  • High blood pressure not controlled with medication. Nicotine can increase your blood pressure.
Also, ask a doctor or pharmacist before using if you are:
  • Using a non-nicotine stop-smoking drug.
Using prescription medicine for depression or asthma. Your prescription dose may need to be adjusted.
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, only use this medicine on the advice of your healthcare provider. Smoking can seriously harm your child. Try to stop smoking without using any nicotine replacement medicine. This medicine is believed to be safer than smoking. However, the risks to your child from this medicine are not fully known.*
Any questions about drug interactions between medications should be answered by your physician or other healthcare professional. Talk to your doctor if you take other medications. The active ingredient in NicoDerm CQ is nicotine, which is already in your system if you are a smoker. Talk to your doctor about this, especially if you use a non-nicotine stop-smoking drug or take prescription drugs for asthma or depression.
Make every effort to keep Nicorette out of reach of children and pets. In case of accidental ingestion, get professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately.


MyQuit™ values your privacy. For more information about how MyQuit™ may use your information, please visit the Haleon Privacy Statement page at
Please refer to the Terms of Use of Haleon and the Privacy Policy
One of the first steps to set-up your account on The MyQuit™ App is to create your “What’s your why?” section. The “What’s your why?” section allows you to upload a photo or image reminding you of the reason(s) you want to quit smoking. For example, some may want to upload a picture of their children as a motivation. This section appears at the top of the dashboard, and shows up every time you open up The MyQuit™ App. The photo can be changed by double tapping on it or alternatively going into your profile. If you wish to enable the “What’s your why?” section on your device, you will need to give MyQuit™ access to your photo library and camera.
The MyQuit™ App uses the same Internet data as browsing the web and using email on your phone. If using your cellular data while roaming usually costs you extra, you will probably also be charged extra by your mobile provider for using The MyQuit™ App. However, we recommend you contact your mobile service provider regarding the different international Internet roaming plans available. If you currently do not have an international plan, we advise that you turn off your roaming option while abroad to avoid extra charges: go into the >Settings of your phone, then into >Mobile Data.
Whether you originally registered on or on The MyQuit™ App itself, you will be able to log back in to your account on any device using your profile details - your email address and password. We also advise changing your password when you reinstall the app on your new phone
The MyQuit™ App can be downloaded on iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.
You can also access MyQuit™ on the web. Sign up or log in here (/join-myquit).
If you try to download The MyQuit App on an unsupported device, you won’t be able to download the app. You’ll receive a message to let you know that your device is not supported.
If you’re having issues downloading The MyQuit App it may be due to a problem with your Internet connection - either from your wireless connection or with your Internet service provider.
Internet connection
Make sure you have the latest version of MyQuit™ from the App Store/Google Play and that it is supported by your mobile device.
Restart your phone.
Make sure the Airplane Mode is off.
With iOS, delete all your saved Wi-Fi passwords: go to Settings >General >Reset tap Reset Network Settings
With Androids, check the background is not restricted by going into your phone's Settings >Apps >WhatsApp >Data usage and make sure background data is not restricted.
Try deleting and reinstalling the app. (Please see related FAQ)
You will be asked to sign up providing your profile details including your email address and password the first time you use the app. You won't have to provide them again unless you use the app on a different device. You can register on and on The MyQuit™ App on any supported device. If you have registered on, you should use the same login details on The MyQuit™ App.
The MyQuit™ App only works using an Internet connection, either with your wireless connection or with your Internet service provider. If you are unable to access the app, your device may be temporarily disconnected from the Internet.
Please check your Wi-Fi connection or data network is working properly and your phone is connected to the relevant network. You may need to reboot your phone.
The MyQuit™ App is free. You can download it as many times as you want.
Whether you originally registered on or on The MyQuit™ App itself, you will be able to log back in to your account on any device using your profile - your email address and password.
Please follow the next steps to reinstall MyQuit™ according to the type of device you use:
On the Home Screen, hold The MyQuit™ App icon until the icon starts wiggling
Close the app by clicking on the x in the top left corner
Click on the Delete button in the pop-up screen
Click on the Home button
Go into the App Store and re-download The MyQuit™ App.
First uninstall MyQuit™ in your phone’s settings. Go to Settings >Apps > MyQuit™ > Uninstall.
Go into Google Play - click on ( and start downloading The MyQuit™ App.
Once you have the app open, agree to our Terms of Use and verify your phone number.

If you have issues using the app and its features it may be due to a problem with your Internet connection - either from your wireless connection or with your Internet service provider.
Internet connection
Make sure you have the latest version of MyQuit™ from the App Store/Google Play and that your device supports the app.
Restart your phone.
Make sure the Airplane Mode is off.
In iPhones, delete all your saved Wi-Fi passwords: go to Settings >General >Reset tap Reset Network Settings
In Androids, check that the background is not restricted by going into your phone's Settings >Apps >WhatsApp >Data usage and make sure background data is not restricted.
Try deleting and reinstalling the app. (Please see related FAQ)

There are several reasons you may not be able to receive notifications:
The first thing to do when encountering this issue is to check that you have a good Internet connection and that your phone’s sound & notification settings are properly configured.
You may have deactivated some or all of the notification settings. To reactivate them, go to your Profile > Settings > Notifications. In this section of the app, three options can be activated/deactivated: Tracking Reminders, Motivators, and General notifications. The first time you access The MyQuit™ App, notifications are automatically activated.You may also have unchecked Show notifications in Android Settings > Apps > MyQuit™; in iPhone >Settings > Notifications > MyQuit™ >Allow Notifications.

In order to stop receiving notifications from your MyQuit™ App you can simply adjust your settings within the app:
To deactivate them, go to your Profile > Settings > Notifications. In this section of the app, three options can be deactivated: Tracking Reminders, Motivators, and General Notifications. Please note that the first time you access The MyQuit™ App, notifications are automatically activated.
You may also deselect ‘Show notifications’ in Android > Settings > Apps > MyQuit™
Or you can deselect ‘Allow Notifications’ in iPhone > Settings > Notifications > MyQuit™

If you wish to invite your friends to join MyQuit™, go to >Profile >Settings >Share app, and choose the platform you would like to share it on.
You can also share your achievements with friends by showing the badges you have earned. Go to Badges and coupons > Select your chosen Badge/Coupon >Share.
In your “What’s your why?” section, you have two different ways to upload a photo onto your dashboard: you can either click on “Open photo library” to select a photo you already have on your phone or alternatively click on “Take a photo”. When you upload a photo from your photo library make sure the quality is high enough and the format is adapted to your phone screen so that it will not appear blurry on your dashboard. Alternatively, you can also avoid cropping it too much in order for the photo pixels to not be shown. Taking a photo directly from your phone will keep the quality and format provided by your phone. Therefore you should not experience any problems choosing this option.
The first time you access The MyQuit™ App, notifications are automatically activated and update you on your progress. If you wish to get some specific type of notifications only, you can do so by going into your Profile > Settings > Notifications. Three options can be activated/deactivated: Tracking Reminders, Motivators, and General Notifications.
racking Reminders are small reminders which pop-up and remind you to keep you MyQuit™ App up-to-date. E.g. “Keep logging your cravings. It’ll help you learn when they happen most, so you can be prepared.”
Motivators are motivational quotes to help you stay positive during your quit. E.g. “Get rid of smoking reminders today, like cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters. Freshen up the places you smoke, so the smell doesn't trigger a craving. Tomorrow's your quit day. You can do this.”
General notifications encompass other general notification messages from the app.

While you install the app on your phone, The MyQuit™ App will automatically ask you permission to access your phone photo library and your camera.
You can also do it manually:
You can grant permission by changing your iPhone's privacy settings:
  1. Go to iPhone Settings > Privacy.
  2. Tap Photos.
  3. Make sure MyQuit™ is set to ON.
  1. Go to >Settings >Applications
  2. You will see a list of the apps installed on your device. Select MyQuit™
  3. On the app info screen, click on “Permissions”
To edit your profile information, Go into >Profile in the navigation at the bottom of your screen.
If you would like to change your personal details (e.g.: Name), click on >Edit Profile. Click the Save button to save your information.
If you would like to adjust your start date, click on >MyQuit™ plan and select a new date and adjust the product you are interested in using. Click on the ‘Help Me Choose’ button if you would like to access the suggestion tool. Click on the ‘Submit’ button when you are done.
In your Profile section, you can also access and change your amount of cigarettes you smoked per day (click on >Cigarette use), your “What’s your why?” (click on “What’s your why?” image), take a tour, and access the FAQ.
Click on your ‘iWatch’ app on your phone and scroll down to find the ‘MyQuit™’ app listed.
Click on the ‘MyQuit™’ app and activate setting to ‘Show App on Apple Watch’.
This will begin installing the app to your iWatch.
The way that you log cravings and slips-ups is the same as the app on your phone.
If you wish to delete or deactivate your account, please contact our Customer Service Support, providing the email address linked with your account. Because we value your feedback and want to improve the app wherever possible, we’d also appreciate hearing how we can improve MyQuit™ and if it helped you in your quit.

Order FAQs

A person must be at least 18 to purchase nicotine replacement therapies such as nicotine gum, lozenges, and patches. Children under 18 years old must go through a physician to get access to our assortment of cessation products.
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, only use Nicorette® Gum on the advice of your health care provider. Smoking can seriously harm your child. Try to stop smoking without using any nicotine replacement medicine. This is medicine is believed to be safer than smoking.
We guarantee the quality of all Nicorette products. However, if you have any problems with your product or order and let us know within 30 days, we’ll do everything we can to help. We currently do not accept returns but can issue refunds on a case-by-case basis. We reserve the right to investigate claims that we believe are unfounded or fraudulent.
Please feel free to contact us at if you would like to petition for a return.
If your order is shipped through UPS, you can create an account with UPS My Choice! UPS My Choice will give you the opportunity to control the following actions:
  • Reroute or reschedule package deliveries
  • Get estimated and confirmed delivery windows
  • Track and manage multiple packages at once
  • Receive real-time delivery alerts
  • Leave driver instructions
  • Plan deliveries around your schedule
  • Route packages to a UPS Access Point™ location for convenient pickup
Please note, some fees may be applied based on the service you request through UPS.

If your order is shipped through FedEx, you can create an account with FedEx Delivery Manager! Delivery Manager will give you the opportunity to control the following actions:
  • Redirect deliveries to nearby FedEx Offices, Walgreens, select Dollar Generals, and grocery store locations.
  • Give specific delivery instructions to your driver.
  • Hold deliveries and keep them safe for up to 14 days.
  • Add a signature requirement and e-sign for packages.
  • Schedule a specific delivery time.
  • Deliver package to another residential location.
  • Deliver package on another day.
Please note, some fees may be applied based on the service you request through FedEx.
At this time, we are not able to update a shipping address once an order has been placed. Once your order has been placed, we highly suggest making changes through the carrier!
Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions or if you're not able to make these changes through the carrier.
At this time, we are not able to make any changes to the items in your order once the order has been placed. If you would like to add or change the items in your order, the best course of action will be to place a new order and petition for a refund of the first order.
At this time, we are not able to cancel your order once the order has been placed. If you no longer want the items you purchased, please feel free to petition for a return. Once your order starts shipping, you can start the return process.
We do our best to make sure you order is shipped the day after you place it. Orders placed on Friday after 9am GMT will be shipped the following Monday.
Tracking numbers are sent via e-mail. If you have any questions about the status of your order email and we’ll help you sort it out
E-mail us at and we’ll do our best to work with the carrier to resolve it for you. However, please note that we cannot be held responsible for carrier errors.

Subscription FAQs

We are so glad you asked. We’re offering ongoing subscriptions for customers who aspire to stay stocked on all the products that help relieve nicotine withdrawal throughout their Quit journey.
Log into your Nicorette account and once logged in, navigate to My Subscriptions within My Account. Click “Edit” on your active subscription. Here, you can change the frequency, skip shipments and more!
You’ll receive an email reminder three days before every shipping date. To update your subscription, just click on the unique link provided in your confirmation email to access your Nicorette subscription account. There you can update your subscription, credit card info, billing information, and even skip a delivery.
It typically takes up to 5 mins for our system to register a new subscription order.
Unfortunately, we cannot update the products within an order. We recommend cancelling the current subscription and creating a new one with your preferred product choice. In order to cancel a subscription, navigate to “Subscriptions” which can be found under your profile. On the subscriptions page, select “cancel my subscription” from the drop down under “actions.”
Within the subscriptions overview page select “Update Payment Information” from the drop-down.
Subscriptions can be cancelled up to one day prior the renewal date.
The renewal date is your next payment date, which is visible in the subscriptions overview tab.
Unfortunately, if you have been charged the order is already processing. Please cancel prior to their next renewal date for the following shipment.

Which Product is Right for You...

Gum, patch or lozenge? Take the quiz to find the right fuel for your quit.

Answer a few simple questions and find the right fuel for your quit.

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