A man sits on a bed, head in hands, pondering how smoking less can improve his sleep.
Featured Article

Here’s Why Smoking Less May Help You Sleep Better

If you want to sleep better this year, you may want to consider cutting back or quitting your smoking habit for good.

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Reasons to Quit Smoking Articles

Stressed man smoking a cigarette

Can Nicotine Cause Anxiety?

Smoking may seem like a good short-term solution for your anxiety, but it can also be the reason why you're feeling anxious in the first place.

Tired man holding a cigarette

Does Nicotine Make You Tired?

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms can keep you up, but you can manage your urges to help you get the good sleep your body needs.

man with mask blowing smoke

Smoking and Coronavirus (COVID-19)

With the rise and spread of the COVID-19 virus, you may be wondering if smokers are at higher risk. Here’s what we know about smoking and coronavirus.

What’s Your Why

We all have our reasons — maybe it’s your health, family or even finances. Whatever your “Why,” discover all the things waiting for you when cigarettes are out of the picture.

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