If you’re constantly feeling a bit short on cash and you also smoke cigarettes, there’s something you should know: you could be saving a lot of money if you quit smoking. Over time, you could save thousands of dollars on smoking costs that you could otherwise spend on things like vacations, healthy food or house remodels. Think of all the things you could do with thousands of extra dollars!

Still not convinced? Read on to learn more about how much smoking costs and how much money you could save this year — and in 10 years’ time — if you quit.

How Much You Can Save if You Quit Smoking Using NRT

Even factoring in the cost of a 12-week course of NRT, you’ll save a considerable chunk of change by quitting smoking.4

Nicotine Gum

Average cost of 2mg Nicorette Gum, 160 pieces: $60

Week 1-6
Recommended use: 1 piece of nicotine gum every 1-2 hours
Average pieces of gum chewed per week: 70
Average cost of nicotine gum per week: $26.25
Average cost of cigarettes per week (1 pack/day): $53.48
You’ll save: $27.23

Week 7-9
Recommended use: 1 piece of nicotine gum every 2-4 hours
Average pieces of gum chewed per week: 49
Average cost of nicotine gum per week: $18.38
Average cost of cigarettes per week (1 pack/day): $53.48
You’ll save: $35.10

Week 10-12
Recommended use: 1 piece of nicotine gum every 4-8 hours
Average pieces of gum chewed per week: 28
Average cost of nicotine gum per week: $10.50
Average cost of cigarettes per week (1 pack/day): $53.48
You’ll save: $42.98

Nicotine Patch

Average cost of 21mg NicoDerm CQ Step 1 Extended Release nicotine patches, 14 patches: $40

Recommended use: 1 nicotine patch per day
Average cost per week: $20
Average cost of cigarettes per week (1 pack/day): $53.48
You’ll save: $33.48

Nicotine Lozenge

Average cost of 4mg Nicorette Lozenges, 144 pieces: $60

Recommended use: At least at least 9 but less than 20 lozenges per day
Average pieces of gum chewed per week: 98
Average cost of nicotine gum per week: $40.83
Average cost of cigarettes per week (1 pack/day): $53.48
You’ll save: $12.65

The Cost of Cigarettes Alone Is Draining Your Wallet

How much is a pack of cigarettes? Real talk: the cost in the United States, including state and federal taxes, ranges from $4.62 to a whopping $10.67, depending on the state.1 If you smoke a pack a day (so about 20 cigarettes), you could be saving anywhere from $1,668 to $3,840 a year. That’s a lot of dough!

On top of that, in 10 years, you would have saved over $30,000, based on the price of cigarettes increasing six percent annually. Think big — if you quit now, that money could be used for a down payment on a house or even a new car paid in full.

Even if your smoking habit only consists of a few cigarettes each day, you could be spending those dollars on things that are important to you — or that improve your health. If you’re a light smoker, you may only smoke one or two packs a week. Although not as significant as heavier smokers’ costs, that’s another $40 to $85 each month that could be spent elsewhere. It’s also likely that your costs will rise the longer you smoke if you continue to increase your smoking habits.

For heavier smokers, the costs of cigarettes themselves may seriously impact your wallets. If you smoke a pack and a half or two packs per day, your expenses will start to add up. You could end up spending anywhere from $275 to $650 each month, just on the cost of cigarettes. That’s an expensive reason to quit!

The cost of smoking doesn’t stop after you’ve purchased a pack of cigarettes—smoking cigarettes is associated with other significant costs.

You Might Pay More for Health-Related Costs, Too

If the price of cigarettes wasn’t enough, think about all the health costs involved if you smoke. Because here’s the truth: smoking hurts almost every organ in your body — at this point you probably know about the damage to your lungs, but it also affects your heart, eyes, ears, stomach and more.

One estimate predicts that male smokers spend approximately $19,500 more in health costs in their lifetimes (compared to nonsmokers), while women pay about $23,000 more.2 Also, premiums for health coverage may be higher for smokers. Employers in the U.S. can charge smokers about $20 to $50 a month in higher healthcare premiums.3 Smokers can also pay up to three times more for life insurance premiums than nonsmokers.3 Even car insurance can cost more for smokers, as insurance companies see smokers as a higher risk for accidents.3

You Might Have to Buy More Clothes and Furniture as Well

The smell of smoke can sink into the fabric of your clothing as well as furniture, carpets and drapes. This “third-hand smoke” also means there are toxic chemicals lingering on these surfaces. Thus, you may want or need to replace your furniture, decor and clothing regularly — which can seriously add up, depending on your taste. Plus, if you don’t want the odor, you might start going to the dry cleaner regularly — another additional cost.

Even if you don’t mind the smell of cigarettes, you might be unable to sell your clothes, vehicle or property because of the odor.3 Smoking inside your house can devalue the property, as many buyers will not purchase a home that has been smoked in or will pay less than what it is worth.3

So, if you’re interested in quitting smoking, it’s worth using the money you’d save as some extra motivation. For help in the process, consider Nicorette Coated Lozenges. The lozenges provide long-lasting and discreet craving relief and address oral fixation. This smoking cessation product can double your chances of success in quitting.* Plus, it’s the first and only FDA-approved coated lozenge. Just starting this journey is a step in the right direction, and Nicorette products can help.

Making the decision to quit smoking is the first step on your journey to saving money, but you’ll also need a robust quit smoking plan. It can be challenging to give up cigarettes and deal with cravings, but the choice will have significant financial and health related benefits. Read more articles from Nicorette to find tips and advice for stopping smoking, including natural remedies to help you quit.

*Behavioral support program increases chances of success. Use as directed.

  1. Economic Trends in Tobacco. Centers for Disease Control. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/economics/econ_facts/. Accessed 7/25/23.
  2. Health costs of smokers. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. https://www.tobaccofreekids.org/assets/factsheets/0327.pdf. Accessed 7/25/23.
  3. Costs & Consequences of Tobacco Use. Connecticut State Department of Public Health. https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Health-Education-Management--Surveillance/Tobacco/Costs--Consequences#_ftn1. Accessed 7/25/23.
  4. Cigarette Prices by State. World Population Review. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/cigarette-prices-by-state/. Accessed 7/25/23.

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