Someone reaching out a hand to stop a man in a blazer from vaping

How to Help Someone Quit Vaping 

Quitting any kind of nicotine product can be difficult, but having support from friends and family can increase chances of success. If someone you know wants to stop using vaporized nicotine products, there are lots of ways to help them quit vaping. Learn how to support them through their journey of quitting.

Ways to Support Someone Who Wants to Stop Vaping

Friends, family members, and significant others can play a large role in helping a person quit smoking or vaping. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance, and even if a person has been vaping instead of smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco, there are still health risks. The fact that they want to quit is a huge first step and should be celebrated, but there are other things to remember when helping someone quit vaping.

Remember That Quitting is Hard

Vaping is more than a bad habit: it’s a serious addiction that can be an incredible challenge to face.1 All vape liquid contains nicotine, which is addictive and harmful to brain development, affecting attention, mood, impulse control, and memory.2 Not only that, vape aerosols contain heavy metals and chemicals that are linked to lung disease.2

Support someone who is trying to quit vaping by reminding them of their reasons for wanting to quit:1

  • It’s affecting their health
  • It’s controlling their life
  • It’s affecting their important personal relationships
  • The cost to buy vape cartridges
  • Loss of enjoyment in other aspects of life

Quitting a nicotine product is hard. Help keep someone on the right track by reminding them of why they’re going on this journey in the first place.

Help Remove Temptation 

When you’re helping someone quit vaping, one of the best things you can do is provide support and encouragement. Another thing is to help them stay busy so they don’t have time to want to reach for their vape. Offer suggestions to help them ease their oral fixation on their vape.

Help someone avoid temptation by distracting them, possibly with music, chores, or other physical activities.3 In fact, exercise is one of the most reliable ways to crush a nicotine craving.3 Regularly going to the gym, or on a run or bike ride with someone who is trying to quit a nicotine product like a vape, is great for both of you.3

Being there when you’re trying to help someone quit is a huge deal too. By being a listening ear, you can help them through stressful situations. Many people turn to vaping when they feel stressed, and if you’re there for them, they may be less likely to do so.3

Encourage Them to Have a Plan

If someone you know is addicted to nicotine, understand that the decision to quit isn’t one that’s made lightly. Help them stay on track by talking to them about how they plan to manage their cravings and temptations. Build out a list together of activities they can try when the urge to vape strikes; meditation is a great suggestion.

If you’re helping someone quit a nicotine dependency, you can point them toward other resources like support groups and let them know about nicotine replacement therapy products. Patches like NicoDerm CQ can help those who are addicted to nicotine gradually lessen their dependence on the drug.

Taking the time and effort to support someone who is trying to quit vaping won’t go unnoticed. Whether this person is a friend or a family member, by putting forth the effort to help them through a difficult time, you’ll be showing them that they’re important and that they’re supported.

  1. How to Support Your Quitter. Smokefree. Accessed 4/20/23.
  2. Talk About Vaping. American Lung Association. Accessed 4/20/23.
  3. Quitting vaping? Here are 5 tips for handling nicotine withdrawal. Truth Initiative. Accessed 4/20/23.