Just like taxes, stress is one of those things we unfortunately have to live with. Sometimes it can work to your benefit, acting as a motivating factor to get things done. But emerging evidence has demonstrated that it also may compromise the immune system and your health. So it’s important to learn how to control stress. Luckily there’s a remedy that’s fast, free and fun: laughter.

A quite by Milton Berle: 'Laughter is an instant vacation'

  • muscles logo
    Physical benefits
    • Similar to exercise, laughter temporarily increases heart rate and decreases blood pressure, and is followed by muscle relaxation
    • Increases endorphins in the body
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    Emotional benefits
    • It can reduce stress by providing positive ways to look at problems
    • Helps foster friendships and relationships
    • Helps you feel better emotionally
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    Intellectual benefits
    • Influences creativity and imagination by creating a positive outlook
    • Enhances morale, resilience and belief in one’s abilities

A quote by Lord Bryson: 'And remember, always laugh when you can; it is cheap medicine.'