Smoking breaks revolved around making time for yourself. Even though you no longer smoke, you can still enjoy a little downtime. Once you know how best to use this time, you’ll look forward to your “me” breaks.

Get your game on
Challenge a friend to a game of chess or checkers. There are tons of online game apps to choose from. Or, if online games aren’t your thing, bring a board game to work. You can have an ongoing game that you play during your breaks. A deck of cards is handy and easy to keep nearby too.

To break the coffee-cigarette habit, have a cup of herbal or green tea. Sipping these teas is not only relaxing but also nourishing. Ginger tea contains anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea offers high levels of antioxidants. Go ahead and drink up!

Climb to the top
Reinvigorate your afternoon with a brisk walk up and down the office stairwell. Over the course of a few weeks, try to build up your momentum by increasing the number of times you climb up and then down. Before you know it, you’ll be ready for all 1,576 steps of the annual Empire State Building’s Run-Up. If stairs aren’t your thing, try stretching or going for a walk outside.

Guided meditation
Guided meditation is an effective relaxation technique and only takes five minutes at a time. It’s an easy way to enter into a state of deep calm and inner stillness, and it’s a great way to eliminate stress. There are numerous free apps available to help you get started, and you can meditate whenever it's convenient for you.

Be handy
Doing something with your hands not only helps replace the habit of holding a cigarette, but it can also help you discover a new hobby or talent. Bring a sketchpad with you and give yourself five minutes to sketch what you see. Or try taking up crochet or needlepoint. Knit yourself a computer cozy or scarf.