Quit Smoking Timeline and Milestones: Quitting Benefits
This timeline will give you a better sense of just how good being a nonsmoker can be for your body and your mind.
Read moreGet an idea of what kind of benefits you can expect when you quit smoking and when you might achieve them.
This timeline will give you a better sense of just how good being a nonsmoker can be for your body and your mind.
Read moreUse our guide to create a customized, step-by-step quit smoking plan for your needs.
Explore all the things you’ll have to look forward to once you start the quitting journey.
Learn how the health benefits of quitting smoking continue to grow the longer you stay quit.
No two quitting paths are the same, but research suggests certain things lead to a higher rate of success.
The first week is tough, but that’s why it’s important to have a solid quit plan before you begin. See what happens to your mind and body after you quit smoking.
During the second week, watch out for triggers that might make cravings more challenging.
We all have our reasons — maybe it’s your health, family or even finances. Whatever your “Why,” discover all the things waiting for you when cigarettes are out of the picture.
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